Monday, May 19, 2008

The Aids Lifecycle Ride is Warming Up.

Warning: Real Life Stuff Ahead

I will be posting this on all my various blogs and groups. If you are a part of any groups of your own, feel free to pass the word on to any you think might help.

Here's how it is.

Most of the people that know me also know that I count as a good friends and teachers Midori and Kelly B. Many also know that each year these two take part in an event called Aids Lifecycle.

Well, it is that time again.

From May 31- June 7, 2008, Kelly and Midori will be participating as volunteer Roadies in the Sweep Team in AIDS/LifeCycle. It's a 7-day, 545-mile bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to make a world of difference in the lives of people living with HIV and AIDS.

The sweep team is in charge of making sure no cyclists are left behind.

Midori likes to ask all of her fans and friends; "If you were to meet me and I wanted a beverage, would you buy me a drink? A cup of fancy coffee or a freu freu umbrella drink?"

I am passing this on to y'all, 'cause frankly, you rock!

While I don't know which of you in the past has donated, rumor has it that the Las Vegas community has been very responsive and generous toward helping Midori reach her fund raising goals.

I'm hoping my gaming friends will chip in as well.

At the time of this writing Midori's goal is $8,000. Currently she has raised 5,488.00.

If you would be interested in donating the cost of a cup of coffee please follow the link below. It will take you directly to Midori's Aids Lifecycle page where you can find out how to donate and get all the information about the event.

Midori's Lifecycle page:

More about Midori

Thanks guys!

Midori and another Bunny in LifeCycle 2007.

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