Saturday, February 28, 2009

I'm Making a Twink, news at 11

Yup thats right.

I'm gonna make a level 29 twink so I can tear it up in Arathi Basin.

I know that a lot of people look down on the whole twink idea, but to tell you the truth I never minded playing against twinked out characters on either side of the War in Azeroth.

I usually had no problems topping the damage lists with my lowbie hunter in PvP blues and quest greens.

I am one of those that feel that skill>gear in the lower brackets. For me running into a twink became a challenge, and playing against them did two things.

First I got to practice long term kiting, and second it took that twink out of the game more effectively than any crowd control could.

So now I am off to research the gear I will be gathering for this new character I am thinking of.....


~Willow~ said...

Bored with the combat rogue already? *grin*

Viktel said...

Not in the least.

I just miss bringing down da pain in Arathi Basin.

Lvl 29 bracket reminds me of simpler days... lol

Remember when we were all kids growing up in Arathi Basin?

~Willow~ said...

Absolutely....till I turned in a damn daily and dinged 30!!! :P Yup...good times.